Academic Assessment

Academic assessment is the process of collecting, examining, and using evidence to understand and improve student learning in academic units and programs. At its core, it is a collaborative form of research designed to answer the question: Did students learn what we intended them to learn? The resulting answer and findings are used to make informed decisions regarding curriculum, pedagogy, and the assessment process itself.

Student Learning Outcomes

View outcomes by the institution, division, and academic program.

Assessment Resources

Information and documents from Academic Assessment workshops, forms, and resources on Middle States accreditation.

Academic Assessment Committee

The vision of the AAC is to create a faculty-driven assessment culture with the aspiration of providing a high-quality transformational educational experience for our students. With that aim in mind, the mission of the committee is to provide useful and developmental consulting and professional training opportunities for the committee members, the Program Assessment Liaison (PALS), and other critical stakeholders. The trainings include a multitude of disciplinary approaches and democratically focused practices. During annual program SLO assessment, the committee offers constructive feedback to our colleagues and encourages integrity and accountability from our peers and ourselves.

Updates and Events

Check our our Academic Assessment calendar for workshops, drop-in hours, AAC meetings, and professional development webinars.